Code Setup

Before we get started writing code, we have a few small things we need to take care of.

IDE Setup

For web applications, I like to use Visual Studio Code as my IDE. It has excellent tooling for TypeScript and web development. I install the ESLint and Prettier plugins to give me real time feedback of any problems that my application may have.

Runtime Setup

You will need to install the current version of Node.js by following the instructions for your operating system or using a tool like NVM.

If using NVM you can install the latest version with

nvm install node

Verify that your version of Node.js is at least 18+.

node --version

When you are in a project, if node or npm are not available, you may need to tell nvm which version of node to use in that directory. You can do that with with this command:

nvm use node

Repository Setup

With general prerequisites setup, we can now clone the repository:

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the repository:

cd building-lightning-graph

The repository uses npm scripts to perform common tasks. To install the dependencies, run:

npm install

This will install all of the dependencies for the three sub-modules in the project: client, server, and style. You may get some warnings, but as long as the install command has exit code 0 for all three sub-projects you should be good. If you do encounter any errors, you can try browsing to the individual sub-project and running the npm install command inside each directory.

Repository Walk-Through

The repository is split into three parts, each of which has a package.json to install Node.js dependencies for that sub-application. Each also has unique set of npm scripts that can be run. The three parts are:

  1. client - Our React application lives in this directory.
  2. server - Our Express server code lives in this directory.
  3. style - Our code to create CSS lives here.

We will discuss the client and server sections in more detail as we go through the various parts of the application.